How to Display Explicit Type Hints for Variables in IntelliJ IDEA
Recently, I installed the latest version of IntelliJ IDEA on my new laptop. When I started writing code, I realized that explicit
Kotlin Channels: An Alternative to BlockingQueues
When dealing with concurrent programming in Kotlin, it's essential to understand how to safely share data across different threads. Two commonly compared
Exploring Kotlin: Varargs and Infix Calls
You have certainly encountered these terms before, at least when you wanted to run your program or when you were inserting something
The Perils of Overusing @MockBean in Spring Boot
When it comes to testing Spring Boot applications, the @MockBean annotation is a powerful tool that can help us isolate the component
Kotlin Default and Named Arguments
Kotlin, a statically typed programming language developed by JetBrains, is known for its expressive syntax and modern language features. Two of these
Java switch statement
Today, I would like to take a look at Java statements and their evolution, and how you can use them more effectively
Monitoring Zoom Webhooks for Missing Events
Webhooks are a powerful way to get real-time data from Zoom. They can be used to monitor health of your Zoom account,
Kotlin when in action
The when expression in Kotlin is a powerful conditional statement that can be used in place of the switch statement found in
Sealed Classes and Interfaces in Java 21
Today, we’ve got an incredibly exciting article for you about sealed interfaces 🤩 and sealed classes 🔒 in Java 21! 🐱💻✨ Get