Mastering Proxy Patterns in Kotlin: Boost Your Code Efficiency

The Proxy Design Pattern in Kotlin

The Proxy Design Pattern is one of the structural patterns where a proxy or a placeholder object controls access to another object. The proxy provides a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it. It is used in various situations, such as controlling expensive object creation, managing remote access to an object, or adding security features to existing classes.

Where to Use the Proxy Pattern

There are several real-world applications of the Proxy Pattern:

  1. Virtual Proxy: This is useful when creating an expensive object only when it’s absolutely necessary. For example, imagine an image viewer where large images are loaded on-demand. The proxy could delay the loading until the image is actually requested by the user.
  2. Remote Proxy: The pattern can represent an object that exists in another address space, such as on a remote server. This is common in distributed systems where the proxy acts as an intermediary between local and remote objects, handling communication and data exchange.
  3. Protection Proxy: Useful in scenarios where you need to control access to an object, such as security measures. For example, a system could restrict access to certain methods based on user permissions.
  4. Logging and Caching Proxies: These proxies allow you to introduce logging or caching into an object’s method invocations without altering the object’s code.

Pitfalls of the Proxy Pattern

  1. Overuse: Overusing the Proxy pattern where it’s not needed can add unnecessary layers and make code harder to maintain.
  2. Unnecessary Complexity: Introducing proxies in simple applications where direct access to the object would suffice can lead to overly complicated designs.

Deep Dive: Real-Life Use Case – Virtual Proxy in Image Loading

In an image gallery application, where high-resolution images are displayed, loading all images at once could cause performance bottlenecks. Here, a Virtual Proxy can be used to load images lazily.

Interface for Image Loading
interface Image {
    fun display()
High-Resolution Image
class HighResolutionImage(private val fileName: String) : Image {
    init {

    private fun loadImageFromDisk() {
        println("Loading $fileName from disk...")

    override fun display() {
        println("Displaying $fileName.")
Proxy Class
class ImageProxy(private val fileName: String) : Image {
    private var highResolutionImage: HighResolutionImage? = null

    override fun display() {
        if (highResolutionImage == null) {
            highResolutionImage = HighResolutionImage(fileName)
fun main() {
    val image: Image = ImageProxy("high_res_photo.jpg")
    image.display() // Loads and displays the image
    image.display() // Directly displays the image, no loading

In this scenario, the image is loaded from the disk only when required, optimizing memory usage and improving user experience in scenarios where many large files are involved.


The Proxy Pattern is a flexible and useful pattern for controlling access to objects, adding security, caching, or lazy initialization. It can be applied in various scenarios like remote APIs, heavy object creation, or adding security layers. However, care must be taken to avoid overusing the pattern, as it can introduce unnecessary complexity and potential performance overhead.

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