Proxy pattern in frameworks

In the previous article, we began exploring design patterns. Today, we will focus on the Proxy Design Pattern and highlight its usage across various frameworks.

1. Spring Framework (Proxy Usage)

Spring uses proxies heavily in its Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) and Transaction Management features. These proxies allow Spring to inject additional behavior (like logging, security, or transaction management) without modifying the actual business logic.

  • JDK Dynamic Proxies: If the bean implements an interface, Spring will use Java’s dynamic proxy mechanism.
  • CGLIB: If the bean does not implement an interface, Spring uses CGLIB to create a subclass proxy of the bean.

2. Hibernate (Lazy Loading)

Hibernate uses proxies for lazy loading of entities. Instead of loading the entire object graph, Hibernate defers loading related entities until they are accessed, saving performance and memory.

  • Lazy Initialization: Hibernate creates a proxy subclass of the entity and overrides methods to trigger loading when accessed.

3. Mockito (Mocking)

Mockito uses the Proxy Pattern to create mock objects. These mock objects simulate real objects and allow developers to define behavior for testing purposes.

  • Mockito creates proxies by subclassing or implementing interfaces and intercepting method calls.

4. Vert.x (Event Bus Proxies)

Vert.x uses the Proxy Pattern to enable communication over its Event Bus. Proxies allow you to call methods on services deployed on other Vert.x instances as if they were local.

  • Vert.x generates proxy classes that handle the serialization and transmission of messages between nodes on the Event Bus.

5. Ktor (HTTP Client Proxies)

In Ktor, the Proxy Pattern is used to make HTTP requests to remote services via a typed API. Ktor generates proxies for service interfaces, allowing you to call them as if they were local methods, and handling the HTTP request/response behind the scenes.


These frameworks use the Proxy Pattern in various ways to handle concerns like lazy loading, transaction management, mocking, and service proxies. Each of these implementations provides real-life benefits such as abstraction, separation of concerns, and performance optimization.

In the next article, we will take a deeper look at how this design pattern is used in these frameworks, and we will also create our own example in code.

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