Our Blog

  • May 27, 2024
  • 1min read

Open source job schedulers

Here we have prepared a list of interesting job schedulers that are available. We had the opportunity to try JobRunr and used

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  • May 25, 2024
  • 1min read

Kotlin 2.0

Kotlin 2.0 introduces several key updates: K2 Compiler Kotlin 2.0 introduces many new features, with one of the biggest and most interesting

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  • April 28, 2024
  • 1min read

Hibernate Search: Enhancing Full-Text Search in Hibernate

In one of our projects, we were using Java and Hibernate with a PostgreSQL database to develop an e-commerce application. We realized

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  • April 28, 2024
  • Less than a minute

Exploring New Features in Hibernate 6.5.0.Final

For more details, visit the official release post here.

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  • April 28, 2024
  • Less than a minute

What’s New in Hibernate Search 7.1: Key Features and Enhancements

For a comprehensive overview, you can visit the official release notes here.

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  • April 19, 2024
  • 6mins read

Optimizing Rate Limiting in NGINX for API Stability

We are currently enhancing our open source project and encountering issues with rate limiting on the Zoom APIs. We’ve discussed whether we

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  • April 15, 2024
  • Less than a minute

Ktor Plugin Registry

Since Ktor is an excellent framework that allows for the creation of asynchronous client and server applications—from microservices to multiplatform HTTP client

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  • April 11, 2024
  • 2mins read

Intellij Idea version 2024.1 Beta is now avilable

You can read the full article about the IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1 Beta on the JetBrains blog using this link. Here’s a summarized

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  • March 27, 2024
  • Less than a minute

Migration from Feign client to Spring Interface Clients

The Spring Cloud OpenFeign project has been marked as feature-complete, emphasizing that future updates will primarily consist of bug fixes and potentially

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